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"Our Story....t.b.c."

John Carey - Celebrant

I was always going to wrestle with my thoughts to describe Daniel and Bonny’s wedding day!

If I could find any words to describe the “behind the scenes” emotions a celebrant experiences in the lead up to a wedding, I knew from the moment they asked me to be their celebrant, I was going to have to give permission for my admiration for this special family’s story to be told in their own words! And in their own words - they did it brilliantly!

Both of them shared their most honest and raw expression of their deepest and heartfelt feelings for each other in a transformed shed, part of the Hillview Cottages property on the outskirts of Kingaroy!

We may have not been blessed by the backdrop of the preferred location - recently greened hills that reach as far as the eye can see, but the sheltered environment of Plan B, a former piggery shed, allowed time to pass unnoticed as the story of Bonny and Daniel was told from start to finish.

“The best part of our humanity is the ability to love”, and in truck loads this truth reassured us all again, that when we love, our hearts and worlds expand, they do not shrink or become stifled.

To Bonny and Daniel, and Oliver - thank you for unashamedly shouting from the rooftops the best part of our humanity on 30-03-2019!

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© John Carey Marriage Celebrant

Authorised Marriage Celebrant, Civil Ceremonies

Australian Government - Attorney General's Department

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