Back before they were old enough to know much more than 1 + 1, Meagan and Kieran stood together in their primary school band photo!

At the end of their schooling they followed each other to Brisbane and "yes", ended up living one street apart for quite some time before their first memorable introduction at the Royal Exchange Hotel in Toowong!

Kieran and Meagan openly shared their stories about their dedication to helping each other achieve their best and how much they valued the importance of family and their heritage that have underpinned them as people.

It was very fitting that their mum's readings were words from their hearts and how delighted they were for their children and were joyfully welcoming in a new family member on this special day.
The theme for their celebration was best summed in the words of the song Meagan chose for her entry - "I Won't Give Up" (c) The Macarons Project.
We had to learn, how to bend without the world caving in,
I had to learn what I got, and what I'm not
and who i am!

Their story is one of chosen destiny. Two people working hard everyday at building the foundations that shelter, enrich and secure them for all of that life gives!

Congratulations to you both!
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